Artist John D Mar (Commercial)

Name - Samuel
Pen name - John D Mar
Ethnic - Wa
Born - 1 June, 1988

Phone No. - +95-9-252-099-470

In the Beginning: Artistic Explorations - Group Show (Color Soprano Art Space, Feb 21-25, 2024)
Caricature from 2019 to now Paintings are being drawn.
At the No Hunger Zone organization event (2023 June) a total number of seven artwork paintings, cartoons, and caricatures were shown.
Write two posters for the Gender Study Center in 2022.
During in 2020 - 2021, participate in Myanmar Cartoonists Association Activities (Sule), Drawing a lot of caricature.
In 2017-2020, he drew cartoons in MIT magazine.
Member of Myanmar Cartoonists Association in 2019.
In 2018, he won the first prize in the cartoon competition in Myanmar Baptist Convention and also being printed in Myittataman magazine.
In 2017-2018, he drew cartoons and writing a novel in 'WA' (WA) magazine.
In 2017-18, Drawing cartoon in Federal Magazine.
In 2016, he drew cartoons in Naga magazine.

Caricature (Group)
Water Color
13.9"x9.8" (With Frame)
300,000 MMK
Duration - 1 month

Portrait (One Person)
Water Color
8.27" × 11.69" (With Frame)
250,000 MMK
Duration - 2 week

Caricature (One Person)
Water Color
8.27" × 11.69" (With Frame)
170,000 MMK
Duration - 1 week

Caricature (One Person)
Ink pen
8.27" × 11.69" (With Frame)
70,000 MMK
Duration - 1 week

Caricature (One Person)
Ink pen
8.27" × 11.69" (With Frame)
70,000 MMK
Duration - 1 week